Advertisement for The Monarch Car

This file appears in: Automobile Industry in Des Moines
Advertisement for The Monarch Car

Original Text: The "Monarch." The car that's built for service. If you can afford to own a horse and buggy, you can better afford to own a Monarch Model 'C" Automobile not only as a pleasure, but for business needs. This car is especially designed and built for service on all sorts of roads. It - is equipped with 5 horse power gasoline engine, which will drive it over muddy roads, ruts and hills, at a speed of from four to fifteen miles an hour, and use but a trifling amount of fuel. Fuel expense less than one cent per mile on good roads. Extra-ordinarily strong build, high road clearance, reasonable speed, plenty of power, simple but durable engine, easily operated, large roomy seat and body, painted and finished first class, and selling at a price that is within reach of all who can afford a horse and buggy. Entire car built by us at our factory, and sold under guarantee. Write us for descriptive matter or call at our factory for demonstration.  MONARCH MACHINE COMPANY 307-9-11 E. 1st St. DES MOINES, IA.

This file appears in: Automobile Industry in Des Moines